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Ligoniel Primary School and Nursery Unit, Belfast

News - Year 7

7th Jun 2024
7th Jun 2024
The weather didn’t dampen our Sports Day spirits 🤩 Well done to all...
22nd Mar 2024
Groups of our P7 were tasked with using different materials and their properties...
22nd Mar 2024
Great imagination used to create Easter hats! Well done P7!
13th Dec 2023
Primary 7 each prepared a presentation about a famous inventor or invention and presented...
13th Dec 2023
Today we made our traditional Christmas Centrepieces for sale at our craft fair. 
29th Nov 2023
This has become an annual tradition in P7! 
29th Nov 2023
P7 enjoyed 2 sessions of African Drumming with Boys Model Transition Programme. 

2021/2022 School Year