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Ligoniel Primary School and Nursery Unit, Belfast

Year 2

Welcome to Y2, where we are all encouraged to learn and make mistakes every single day because as Albert Einstein put it ... 

“Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new.”


Useful Information for 2023/24

Break- A healthy snack should be sent into school with your child each day.  This could include fruit, yogurt, crackers or cheese.

Dinners - School dinners should be paid via the School Money website before Monday each week.

PE Days- Monday and Thursday.

What my child will need everyday....

  • Water bottle filled with still water, not flavoured or fizzy
  • Healthy break
  • Coat (regardless of the weather in the morning)

Topics this year....

  • Down The Street
  • In the Night Sky
  • In the Toy Box
  • Let's Get Growing 
  • Splish, Splash, Splosh

Please refer to other tabs within our class page to find out what we have been learning about. Use these images to talk to your child about their learning.

We really hope you and your child enjoy their learning journey through Year 2 and we look forward to the wonderful experiences (and mistakes) that lie ahead.  

Miss Hampton and Miss Hagan ✨




18th Jun 2024
After our Music Morning success we had a climbing frame treat to celebrate 🥳. 
18th Jun 2024
Year 2 went to Fane Street Primary School on Monday to participate in Music 🎵...
7th Jun 2024
After lots of debating the staff in Year 1&2 decided to award these wonderful...

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