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Ligoniel Primary School and Nursery Unit, Belfast

News - Year 1

2023/2024 School Year

7th Jun 2024
After lots of debating the staff in Year 1&2 decided to award these wonderful...
7th Jun 2024
22nd Mar 2024
In literacy this week, we wrote super sentences about Easter eggs. We worked really...
22nd Mar 2024
Our Year 1 boys and girls looked absolutely fabulous today. So much effort and hard...
10th Dec 2023
Year 1 enjoying their new Christmas Post Office role play area. 
10th Dec 2023
Year 1 all looked fabulous in their Christmas jumpers. 
10th Dec 2023
Year 1 had lots of fun when Wee Bugs and Beasties came to school. 
29th Nov 2023
Everyone looked fabulous all dressed up! 🎃
29th Nov 2023
We had lots of fun learning all about length during our numeracy lessons this week...
29th Nov 2023
In Year 1, we always have great fun during our play based learning activities and...