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Ligoniel Primary School and Nursery Unit, Belfast

News - Year 6

2023/2024 School Year

7th Jun 2024
7th Jun 2024
The weather didn’t dampen our Sports Day spirits 🤩  Well done to all...
1st May 2024
 Year 6 have put their enthusiasm and best efforts into writing their own survival...
22nd Mar 2024
Well done for the superb effort for our Easter Hat homework 🐣 
22nd Mar 2024
Year 6 girls attended the Girls’ Model Sports Festival.  They participated...
18th Jan 2024
Y6 have started their new topic on ‘Impact’.  We completed a carousel...
18th Jan 2024
A big thank you to Wee Critters who visited all the boys and girls in Ligoniel today...
18th Jan 2024
Y6 have been developing new skills and having lots of fun within our MR Sports sessions...
18th Jan 2024
Y6 focus on a new comprehension strategy each month within our Reading Carousel....
18th Jan 2024
Y6 researched the features of a Viking Longhouse and then recreated their Viking...